Sunday, August 3, 2014

Ebola strain of 2014   Africa/USA

All hemorrhagic infections are frightening and lethal. This new strain (2014) is no more frightening then the last version of Ebola (Zaire).  But as our attentions are drawn to cataclysmic events through out the world (ie; Mexican Border incursions by youth) water emergencies (Ohio, Detroit, Los Angeles and the rest of the world), War between Israel & Palestine, Russia vs Ukraine and civil war in Syria and Iraq, the medical facts are being conflated.

The authorities are telling us that Ebola is not an 'airborne transmission,' however, historically we've been told that, in fact, it is an airborne hazard or at least we've been left with that impression. If there is any doubt to the true facts, then question yourself, "if it's not an airborne hazard, then why do the medical professionals wear 'hazmat suits?' And why are they dealing with Ebola as a 'level 4' event?

Could it be that the "government, via the pharmaceuticals" wants to create a vaccine that should stop this modern day plague in it's tracks and earn them truck loads of money. However, vaccines have questionable efficacy and will take an enormous amount of time to develop. There are too many contaminants in vaccines for the patients to be comfortable with any vaccine policy. Especially any government edict that dictates that this or any vaccine is mandatory. Like the 5th Amendment of the Constitution of the US, when ordered to take a vaccine, the patient is being required to risk his/her health and well being.

Money, government and medicine, when combined, changes the definitions (as we know them) of you the citizen, the government as a tool of the people and big pharma, as you perceive them.  This is was is commonly known as "oxymoron" or a "contradiction in terms."

We observe this medical mystery as a ghost out of Africa. We know little to nothing about it, yet our medical community insists on feeding us all pablum to lull us all to sleep while they collect their form of welfare to fight this boogeyman.

My observations of this 'communicable disease', is no different from everybody else, with one very large exception. We all see and know that the mortality rate of this version of Ebola is 50 to 90 %. That means that between 5 and 9 of every patient that contracts this disease will die. That's enough to scare the Pope. But if you turn the information on it's head and ask "how do the people that don't die, survive," you have a view that can be studied and evaluated effectively.

I am suggesting that the people who have survived any form of hemorrhagic fever had and could routinely maintain a strong, vibrant immune system. This is not an accident of circumstance, it is a deliberate act of health conscientiousness. Another words, they payed attention to what they should not do and were only aware of what they should be doing.

Instead of dealing with this problem (soon to be called a pandemic), we imported one and soon to be two, cases into this continent by way of Atlanta, Georgia. This is beyond stupid, this is mindless and if the disease escapes from the CDC facility, it should and must be considered criminal. These intellectual dim wits have put us all in jeopardy and they should not be allowed to get away with it.

May a POX fall upon their homes and families.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Happy Father's Day

by Nany & Richard Diaz

Our bird Pito, a cherished member of our family for 14 years now, seemed to be feeling unwell. We noticed that he was not himself during the last couple of weeks and wanted to be left alone. He took refuge inside a towel-covered laundry basket we have on the top shelf in our laundry room. He would get inside the basket under the towel and spend many hours there in the dark. He ate very little. We didn't understand this behavior in our normally happy bird. We had a family get-together to celebrate Father's Day. Since we were busy with meal preparation, we paid little attention to Pito until everybody had gone.

Poor Pito, he looked so tired and puffy. Later in the day he began to make strange noises. Richard and I had the feeling that our precious Pito was going to die. We tried to make him as comfortable as possible. Every time he shook or made loud breathing sounds, we became more alarmed. Richard took Pito into the bathroom and set him on the counter top hoping to comfort him with the image of himself in the mirror. Richard watched nervously as the noises Pito made grew more frequent and he got puffier and puffier as time passed. I could stand it no longer and left the bathroom resigned to the fact Pito was going to die at any moment.

 Suddenly Richard called for me to come back. My heart stopped for a second and my legs grew weak as I ran back to the bathroom. “LOOK, Richard said,” and pointed. My mouth flew open and my eyes widened in amazement. I could hardly believe what I saw when I looked down.

Our boy Pito had just laid an egg!  
Happy Father's Day, Richard, Pito is a girl!