When you become sick, a number of things happen. 1) You self diagnose and treat with over the counter medications. 2) You make an appointment and go to your doctor's office. 3) You feel so bad that you go directly to the emergency room. 4) Your problem is so bad that you call an ambulance and do whatever they tell you to do.
No matter which of these patterns you fall into, you will have stories and problems that you might want to vent about. This is the place that you've been looking for.
Say what you feel, maybe someone else has had a similar experience. Who knows, there might even be a solution to be found here.
Everyone has an opinion about vaccines, actually, these opinions are based on nothing more than rumor or popular verbal contagion. I think that most of these popular attitudes are a pile of pig's puke with little or no foundation. A quick research of vaccine history will speak volumes about the rush of the medical and pharmaceutical industries to place their disasters on the free market to draw a profit.
Read any "Product Insert" and they will say the same or similar things about the side effects (including Death) and risks of their products. If you wish to explore the consequences of these statements you must also read the laws and regulations of "Child Protective Services" in your state. What you will find is that the risks that you expose your children via vaccines are tantamount to "Child Endangerment."
Where the vaccines are concerned, the doctor, nurse, government and pharmaceutical companies are protected from a lawsuit, by federal law. YOU (the parent or patient) ARE NOT!
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