Thursday, September 5, 2019

Plague by Kent Heckenlively & Judy Mikovits, Ph.D

    If you’re into medical anomalies or social collapse, you’ll be interested in this book.
    The focus of the book is the adventurous 30-year career of Dr. Judy Mikovits, Ph.D.  Spending the better part of her life learning details and developing skills that would normally make her a success, instead, she was punished for paying attention to technical, medical and social details.
    Dr. Mikovits studied and worked with HIV/AIDS, along with micro-organisms, both human and animal that happened to cause some of the more mysterious diseases and conditions of the past 75 years. Her recent problems came when dealing with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS).
    Her work ethic, methods, and conclusions were scientifically sound. A multitude of problems came when she applied social judgments to benefactors, contributors, and co-workers. Her industrial naiveté came when she applied a social judgement to the sub-culture of scientific sycophants. Thinking that they had the same motivations and goals were her mistake. Economics and power altered her science and work patterns so severely that it began to destroy her.
    The book is well laid out. Each chapter is readable by itself. Almost four hundred pages will take you a while to get thru but in the end, it is worth the time invested.
    You’ll need some background in the criminal justice system, scientific jargon or a good dictionary and thesaurus. The technical verbiage might get a little overwhelming but the general ideas are digestible once you break down each thought or circumstance.
    The basic faux pas to her story is that she stepped on the third rail of science, medicine, and big pharma. When Dr. Mikovits mentioned VACCINES and AUTISM in the same breath as ME/CFS her world changed. She was no longer playing the scientific game as a team member. She became a renegade. A curmudgeon.  A bull in the china shop of the über wealthy.
    The history of extraordinary women in science is hidden but discoverable. First, there was Dr. Alice Hamilton (February 27, 1869 – September 22, 1970) and the development of Occupational Medicine. When she began asking questions that cost industrialist money, she was viewed with a suspicious eye by the establishment. Dr. Hamilton was successful in changing work habits. However, her work wasn’t appreciated during her lifetime. Laws began changing about Lead poisoning in around 1972. They are constantly being revisited.
    Second, came, Dr. Alice Stewart and her self-motivated and financed study of radioactivity and the illnesses that it causes were society altering. Her calamity came when she asked the Pentagon the results of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki studies done post-war.
    Third, is the closest scenario to Dr. Mikovits’ experience.  Dr. Bernice Eddy was a revolutionary, changing the way we look at vaccines today. This woman was truly extraordinary. She identified the SV-40 Virus in the Polio Vaccine that essentially ended her viability as a scientist. The question that no one has ever asked is, “what about the other thirty-nine Simian Viruses? Could they be reeking havoc on our society today?”  And, “could anyone of them or in symphony be recombining with XMRV (Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus-Related Virus) to deliver a worldwide pandemic?”
    She predicted an explosion of cancer within the ‘baby boom generation’. Today (2019) the last figures that I have heard was 1 in 4 men will have cancer and 1 in 3 women will have cancer (no references). The World Cancer Research Fund has published figures as of 2018.
    These figures are frightening enough without knowing that there might be a monkey or mouse virus causing them. The world is a scary place. What is contributing to these fears is the ‘Medical Community’s Commercial Brothel.’
    The most frightening portion of the book is the description of Dr. Ian Lipkin’s press conference on September 14, 2012. Dr. Mikovits was there to enhance her chances of regaining a reputation mired. D. Lipkin tried to do that but he did more damage to the Scientific Community than reconstitute a reputation, in my opinion.
    He began mentioning ‘man-made chimera viruses” and “H5N1 work being done in Rotterdam, Wisconsin, and Japan”. This was enough to make my blood boil. This collaboration of ‘Frankenstein’ mentalities will lead to no good ending.
    The rear cover of the book spells out why you should read this book very effectively. They are all correct, yet somehow they don’t go far enough. Not being a doctor or scientist myself, I might go even farther.
    This is a great book. It’s long but compelling in every way. If you know anything about the illnesses of ME/CFS, MS, Autism, Vaccines and even Cancer, you should be reading this book.


 1 Chapter 20 Pages 366 & 367

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