Friday, December 13, 2019

A word about self help.

You are free to share this document with any person that you think might need it. 
I can help some people, I can’t help everybody. I don’t take cold calls or contacts via email. I will help at no charge until that person either argues or abandons me. At that point, I will charge an extraordinary fee so outrageous that he/she will not be able to afford my advice.
I am not a medical professional (I truly don’t think that there is anything such thing). What I am is a Disabled Veteran who has done enough research to make a difference. I can tell you the vector that gave you an illness. I don’t cure . . . I suggest behavior changes to enhance the immune system. You can consider me a consultant of sorts. The only reward I seek is that of a SUCCESSFUL outcome.
Richard Diaz

The Diaz Protocol: If a patient has been diagnosed with a disease or a condition that has no identified cause and/or no prescribed cure, the probability of being influenced by one or more of the heavy metals is severe.

© 2006 Richard Diaz

This document is best received via email. If you’re not comfortable giving me your email, that’s OK. All the links that are included you can search on via Google.

From this point on, I can be of little help to you, so any conversations will be of little value. I assume that you’re not a chit-chatter, so I won’t try wasting your time. You have my contact information so if you need to rant or need some information . . . . Feel free to contact me. If you choose to share this information, let me know who you gave it to, so that I know where they got my name. I don’t usually refuse anybody unless I have no chance of helping them. Don’t make the mistake of judging the difference between physical and mental problems. THEY ARE BOTH RELATED.

Outline of Performance
The very first steps to any recovery of your health issue are as follows:
  1. Find a doctor that is versed in heavy metal poisoning at .
American College for Advancement in Medicine
380 Ice Center Lane, Suite C
Bozeman, MT 59718
1.800.532.3688 toll-free
406.587.2451 fax |
Find a doctor in your area by joining, calling or emailing. Call the individual doctors, you find in your area and ask questions. When satisfied, make an appointment to find out what metals your body is burdened with.
Find the accurate contents of your body burden of heavy metals via a doctor listed on the website. ( I used Doctor’s Data as a Lab ) I started with a Hair Test (see the last link) then proceeded to a Blood Test. Finally, I did a 24 hour Urine test. These should all be supervised by a qualified doctor. The ultimate test for heavy metals is an Autopsy. If you are reading this and understand the content, you're not ready for that final study.
    1. Find a dentist that is familiar with the problems of Root Canals and Amalgams at . Make an effort to contact Dr. David Kennedy DDS. I believe he has retired and lives in San Diego, Cal. He has a YouTube channel. Learn the hazards of Root Canals. Dr. Hal Huggins has died.
    2. Once you are comfortable with a doctor and dentist you can then consider your options. I had mercury fillings. My options were as follows:  
    1. a- replace fillings at a cost of around $6000 to $8000 (1990 Dollars)  
      b- remove the teeth at a cost of $600 to $800 (again at 1990 Dollars) or 
      c- Do nothing.
    2. If I had chosen to do nothing, the decision would have been the equivalent of ‘choosing to be sick’. I felt I was dying and had no options other than removing the teeth. I saved my own life with that decision.
     If you decide to remove your teeth you need some information before you do.
First, decide or find out what organs or systems you’re having trouble with then familiarize yourself with the Chinese MERIDIANS. This will be useful information and an education for you. It will help you understand your own body.  
Second, the day you remove your teeth, wear trousers. When you find out what your teeth do to your arms and legs, you’ll be glad you did.  
Third, don’t just let your dentist make your false teeth. You need a dentist with some artistic abilities. Call around to some local dental laboratories. Don’t ask for referrals. Instead, ask a technician which of his clients has the least return work. Get two or three names and addresses. You might get some resistance here but be persistent. If you get the same name from different suppliers, you know that the Dentist is good at what he/she does at making false teeth.
  1. Trouble sleeping: I have used Melatonin for years. I started with a 3mg dose and found that it gave me nightmares within one week. I have since dropped to a 1 mg dose sublingual. Even with this dose, I found it was a little too much so I dropped to ½ mg per night. I had to cut the pill in half but I am happy with the results and sleep quite well.
The following are things that I am doing, have done or going to try.
  1. Consume vitamin C until I reach the maximum tolerable as a consumable. More than 3000 Mg orally, of vitamin C, will give you explosive diarrhea. You will need to build slowly to a maximum dose that you are comfortable with.
  2. Other videos on Vitamin C.
  3. Consume either Alka-Selzer Gold in Distilled Water with ½ Lemon or Lime or drink Essentia Water to have the body or blood reach 7.2 – 7.4 Alkalinity. This will avoid any Cancer from developing or delaying its development. Be aware that too much Alkalinity is as bad as not enough. It works, don’t laugh. In 1931 Dr. Otto Warburg won a Nobel Prize for exactly this.  Another way to increase your blood Alkalinity is to mix 'Baking Soda' with a Saline Solution nasal applicator. You can either use the solution as is or mix your own. The applicator is an important point here.
  4. Consume Garlic in a variety of ways, daily. Can be food (Roasted Garlic has no odor) or supplements.
  5. Take periodic baths in an Epson Salt solution. (Epson Salt can be used as a purgative.) I never take baths, only showers. It's is a personal preference.
  6. Consume some of the following daily . . .
    1. Arugula
    2. Coconut milk, juice, oil
    3. Cruciferous vegetables, including:
      1. bok choy, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, horseradish, kale, kohlrabi, mustard leaves, radish, turnips, watercress
    4. Dairy (except butter)
    5. Dried fruits
    6. Eggs
  1. Legumes and dried beans
  2. Lime/lemon juice in bottles or fresh squeezed.
  3. Selective Meats (I consume more Chicken than any other meat.)
  4. Nuts
  5. Onions (leeks, shallots, chives also)
  1. Read ingredients and side effects of all medications you intend to consume, including over the counter items as suggested here.
  2. Minimize or remove exposure to Fluoride containing products to include:
  3. Begin taking a Pro-Biotic to stabilize your intestinal tract. I don’t promote any specific brand but I have been taking Ultimate Flora. I get it from Amazon. I have a Prime account and they send a 60 day supply every 2 months, automatically. You may need to try different brands but once you’re happy with one . . . stay with it.
  4. Never get tattoos. The ink formula is proprietary and nobody will tell you what kind of antiseptic or preservative it contains. I suspect that they all contain a mercury solution (Thermarisol or Mercurochrome or Merthiolate).
  1. All Soy products or by-products ( all Hydrogenated Oils )
When psychiatric abnormalities are mentioned or spoken about in medical literature it usually means or implies that doctors know nothing of the causes or cures. They can only help via feeding you Psychotropic Drugs and having you talk about your problems. This or these treatments are the the equivalent of “Wishful Thinking.” NO PSYCHIATRIST OR PSYCHOLOGIST HAS EVER CURED ANYBODY OF ANYTHING.!
Many psychiatric conditions involve violence. Violence is a prime symptom of Manganese either from consumption or body burden. It is an element incorporated in all Soy Products. Also, it is important to find out what metals you carry as a body burden. The combination of other metals could be a lethal mix. ERETHISM is a major symptom of Mercury and Lead.
The single symptom of many metals that produce violence is “ERETHISM.” The meaning of this word varies from one source to another. Basically, it means; THE IRRATIONAL RESPONSE TO NORMAL STIMULI. This is the same kind of rage or violence that you observed in most crime movies and shows. A good extreme example of this behavior can be understood in the crimes of Arron Hernandez.
If these doctors don’t eliminate the possibility of metal poisoning, they could and should be subject to a lawsuit. For any information about that subject, you should be asking a lawyer.
Final suggestions:
I take Low Dose Naltrexone. I believe even healthy people should take this medication. Don’t be fooled. At 50 & 100 Mg it is an antagonist to alcohol and drugs.
It’s important that you know everything about this medication. Read the history of this drug and understand the side effects at both full dose and low dose.
There is a Facebook page that other people are exchanging experiences about this medication. If you are really interested, there is a radio show on the subject.
The only side-effects that I have experienced with LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone) are very nice dreams. For me, it’s like going to the movies every night. You will probably experience the same plus some others but they will probably be minor at a lower dose. I understand at full dose the side effects can be very serious.
The downside of this medication is that you will probably have to educate your doctor about it. I’m pretty sure these intellectual dinks will offer resistance to being educated by a patient. If that’s the case, you have the wrong doctor.
If you have any questions, problems or suggestions . . . you know how to get ahold of me.

Videos about Mercury Poisoning
Eating Fish – 23 Minutes =

One Man's Experience – 1 hour 7 minutes =

Mercury in Schools – 3 minutes 7 seconds =

What is Mercury Poisoning – 1 min 40 s =

Mercury kills Scientist – 14 min 27 sec =

Mercury History (Trailer) 4 min 35 sec =

(full movie) 33min 3 sec =

Mercury in Water – 2 min 17 sec =

Removing Hg from Water – 20 min 30 sec=

TV Anchor gets MS from Teeth – 4 min 9 s=

Removing Mercury from Teeth- 4 min 37s =

Gold Mining poison by Mercury- 3 min 35s =

What I won’t do . . .

I will never accept another vaccine, no matter what the penalty is.

I will never accept Chemo Therapy or Radiation Therapy, even it means my death.

I will not take any drug or medication if that application produces side effects that are equal to or worse than the problem that I already have.


Thanks for reading this. It shows that you are at least curious. Good luck and good health.

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